Colour study of the management’s meeting room of a hospital centre

Starting position

The walls of the conference room are made of dark brown exposed masonry. The ceiling, door, tables and sideboard are made of slightly lighter brown wood. The furniture is old and no longer functional and contemporary. The room radiates an oppressive and uncomfortable atmosphere. Users perceive the room’s appearance as gloomy, heavy, uncomfortable and musty. This quickly results in tiring eyes and tension in the shoulder and neck area.


The room appearance desired by the users should be bright, inviting, friendly, inspiring and creative. The colour and material concept is to provide the walls with a light, light grey green and the ceiling with a warm white. The nine metre long window front will be fitted with three differently pastel-coloured panel curtains. A rust red woven carpet is planned for the floor and a blue grey for the two doors. The new shelf will be in a matt light grey. The table tops are in a warm light grey and the fabric cover of the free-swinging chairs in a beige brown.


The light green of the walls, the warm white of the ceiling and the slightly coloured curtains make the room look wider, brighter and friendlier. The rust brown of the floor has a noble and upvaluing effect. The new colour and material concept has a stimulating effect and lends the conference room vitality and freshness.

Project Pictures

After - Room impression
Request Contact

    +41 77 478 52 41


    Company Headquarters
    Sonneggstr. 29
    6330 Cham